A downloadable ttrpg

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Congrats! You won the lottery! Not like, the ACTUAL lottery or anything but like the genetic lottery. And not like the kind where you’re exceptional at sports or just really hot or anything… Well, that is probably also true but like either your mother or father was a god! Yes, this means that you—and your friends because they won the lottery too—are demigods! While you’ve made it this far in life without it being much of an issue—just the odd run in with a mythical creature or something that needed you for a ritual that your divine parent had to take care of—seems you’re all at a point in your life when you’re being called to adventure! So, that means it’s time to ditch some college classes or head out over spring break because you need a ROAD TRIP!

This Table Top Roleplaying game needs a full set of dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20) to play.


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Road Trip of The Immortals.pdf 2.7 MB

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